
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Of my favorite things to do is to reward my good habits. 
The habit of going to the gym for strength training was not always easy.
I decided to reward that habit with a pleasant activity. While I'm in the gym, I listen to Podcasts.
Waiting an entire week for some episodes was my thing. I would only listen while at the gym so the entire strength training experience would be more pleasant. 

I listen to a variety of Podcasts and I'm a podcaster myself. 
Recently, I unfollowed a few of the podcasts I'd listen to while working out. 

I decided that my mental real estate was too valuable for that type of content. 

One of the podcasts was teaching us that lying was not only acceptable but it was smart. They had an "expert" to affirm this advice (more like a mandate). I thought about the Bible. I knew that was not right for me. This particular podcast is extremely popular. I always questioned the advice they freely gave to others. You could tell they didn't live what they were speaking about. There was little concern for the context of others. Unfollow. 

The other podcast unfollow came after the host was telling us that day drinking while watching kids is acceptable and pleasurable. I tried not to judge. I thought that this type of advice was not suitable for me. Being responsible for children is a heavy responsibility. I'd say, one needs to be sober in order to properly care for children. Oh, this lady who gave the advice is a Christian. Unfollow. 

Podcasts are not the only things I decided to unfollow. 

I unfollowed habits that were not getting me close to my goals. 

I unfollowed unforgiveness. It is a struggle for me. Things got so bad, I had to revisit R.T. Kendall's "Total Forgiveness." I mainly listened to the words of Scripture. One of my kids, during prayer time, said "God, help us to love our enemies." Ouch. It is undeniably in the Bible. Unforgiveness? Unfollow. 

This whole unfollowing experience has a lot to do with using my brain. Habits, good or bad, can make us mindless.

I learned that it is always okay to think about the things we do, listen to or allow to enter our lives. 

God gave me a brain and He expects me to use it.

I'm amazed at a God actually gives me choices. Yeah, I could have ignored the bad podcast advice. I could have chosen not to forgive. Instead, I decided that freedom comes from obeying God's command. No matter how high the earthly price, there is a heavenly reward we gain. 

As always, I'm not asking you to boycott anyone. I am asking you to use your brain. 
I'm daring you to unfollow anything that will not help you be uncompromisingly all who God created to be. 

Be brave. Unfollow.