Bible Study and CrossFit

Monday, July 5, 2021

I started something new 4 months ago. It was CrossFit. I'm not sure why, I quickly realized I was out of my comfort zone. I was also bad at most of the things I was encouraged to do. I asked the coach what it would take to build upper body strength. He said, "pain." He also kindly told me that if I kept showing up and putting in the work, eventually, my strength would develop.

This growth has taken a while to develop but I am slowly seeing a difference. The only way to grow is to show up day after day. I listen carefully to instructions. I do what the coaches say. They give me honest feedback because they don't want to see me get hurt. They also celebrate my achievements. 

CrossFit reminds me of Bible study. I showed up to Bible study 8 years ago basically without many expectations. I was out of my comfort zone and I was okay with that. When I had the opportunity to grow, I took it. 

Growing has been painful. It has costed more than the regular Bible study attendee is willing to give, to be honest. It has also been worth it. What I know about the God of the Bible now compared to what I knew before was worth all the effort. 

There are no shortcuts to growing as a student of the Bible. I learned a lot from some amazing teachers. They all inspired me to keep learning, keep seeking God's word. 

They didn't make me depend on them as my everything. They kept point me to God and His word. While they are more than willing to guide me in the methods they taught me, they tell me that they too are growing as students of the Bible. They tell me to use my brain and to taste and see that the Lord is good. 

Studying the Bible is kind of like CrossFit. I have to keep showing up. I have to be willing to put in the effort.

If you've read my blog for while, you know that the only reason why I enjoy doing all of this is to know the King of the universe better. God is so amazing, so incredibly good and kind. I am eager to know Him more. 

I'm wondering if you need to be challenged in your knowledge of the word of God. I encourage you to find a Bible study that uses the Bible as its main textbook. I encourage you to find a great teacher or mentor to encourage you in your journey. While there is nothing wrong with book studies, sometimes, we just need to eat organic instead of the other version of things. 

Oh, if you don't know where to find a good teacher or mentor, start with your church. There should be a women's minister or a Sunday School teacher that can help you grow. 

Amanda said...

Muito bom. Recentemente percebi que no fundo isso eh o segredo pra tudo. Não tem atalho. Show up, every day. Enjoy the process. Não está com vontade? Vai lá e faz mesmo assim!