2021 Goals: update

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

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There are exactly 11 weeks until the end of 2021. The count down to reach those January goals goes on. Here are a few updates on my 2021 goals. 

Faith Goals • My faith goals include read the entire Bible as well as study two books: one in the New Testament and one in the old. During these 11 weeks I am committing to studying one Old Testament book. Our church is in the middle of a 21-day fast (yes!) so together, we are reading the Bible as well. It's been delightful and so good for my soul. 

Family • My family goals have a lot to do with spending quality time with the family. My goals are pretty much on track, except I need to pick and stick with some small but great books to read with the kids. We all read independently quite a bit. I need to pick those books and mark this goal as done. My other goal is to go on a certain number of dates. I'd say Zeke and I are on track. No matter how busy we are, we have been very intentional with going on dates.

Fitness • I was really encouraged today because I am 4 seconds away from running a comfortable 9:15 minute per mile pace. I'm grateful. I also noticed that if I aim for nothing I will hit it every time. My WW Lifetime goal has been dragging since the beginning of the year. I am determined to finish this year at my goal weight. I am sticking with the plan and I have real people who hold me accountable. I'm not giving up! 

Business • This year, I set 4 business goals. I am trying not to be discouraged about them. Often, I set goals then I look at them and ask "what was I thinking?" Then, I get over that very thought and I go to work. Lately, I've been having to work on my mindset. I have no doubt that God will continue to bless me if I decide that He is faithful and He will empower me to do what I need to do. Keep this area of my goal setting in your prayers. Thank you.

Other • This category includes travel and entertaining goals. Believe it or not we have reached both goals. I hope we don't stop both because it happened sooner than later. 

I hope you know that there is so much time to accomplish your goals and to make a big dent on becoming the person you want to be. Let's have a "can do" mindset and let's be sure that our daily priorities align with such mindset.