21 lessons of 2021

Friday, December 31, 2021

21. Stress can be managed without food. I was in a super stressful situation and there was no food around. I go through it without having to chew. I was so happy! I'm still in the stress management journey but to know that food is not a tool I need is marvelous. 

20. Grief is a sign that I greatly loved as I was greatly loved. I experienced big losses this year. God is my strength. Grief was a constant. I focused on how loved I was by those who departed. I found comfort in doing what I think they would want me to do: live fully for God. 

19. People and situations might not change. It is completely okay. I learned to be myself, no matter if people and situations around me do not change. 

18. I can treat people who dislike me and mistreat me with love and respect. 

17. I can totally forgive those who hurt me and were unfair to me and mine. 

16. I'm stronger than I think I am. I learned this in a physical sense through CrossFit. Thank God for CrossFit. It truly was my missing puzzle. 

15. I always knew this but I don't have to be your clone to be your friend. I believe in friendships that are not an exchange of clones but an appreciation for who God created the other to be. 

14. It's okay to be silent until I am in front of the right audience. I shared my mind too much this year. The problem wasn't sharing my mind, the problem was the audience of my honest words. This year, some of my words got distorted, misquoted, and misconstrued. I learned that practicing silence is a good thing. I am aware that God is watching so I am quietly at peace.

13. Humbling myself is a good and Godly thing. The results of such acts should come from God. Looking for people for applause and approval is not wise. 

12. Writing gives me life. I truly enjoyed writing more this year. 

11. I enjoyed meeting new people I would never meet if I didn't get out of my comfort zone. I made some sweet friends in the process too. 

10. My husband and children are my greatest treasures. They are my support, my solid ground. They give me a great sense of purpose. Purpose carried me through many difficult days this year. I appreciate them for who they are. 

9. Cooking at home is a joy. The process of making meals from scratch has taught us patience, hard work, and celebration. We baked quite a few new things this year. My husband grilled a lot and we think he's so good we really don't need to eat out. 

8. Curiosity is a good trait to have. I tried to do something for one year and a half and just couldn't. Curiosity led me to a different approach which yielded the results I needed. I have since applied curiosity to areas of life that are not yielding the results I need. I learned not to lock myself up in negativity but let curiosity lead the way. 

7. I had to surrender a lot of my desires to God. I had to stop doing what I thought was best. I found freedom, peace, and the increasing trust I really needed. 

6. Studying and reading the Bible are worth my time. I don't study and read just to teach. I do it because I found this book to be the best way to know God. I also found it to be quite the lifeline for me. 

5. Choosing modesty might not be popular but it is wise. I'm not talking about clothing choices. I believe that modesty can be cultivated in every area of life. 

4. Laughter is great medicine. 

3. Love is very sacrificial. 

2. You can't give what you don't have. 

1. You can always dream another dream. Hope is alive and well. 

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