Sunday Seven

Sunday, December 12, 2021

I think we had one of our busiest weeks of the year. I want to say we had at least 20 events to attend on top of work and school. I was mindful to make things easier for us. I had to make up for the number of activities we had. Here are 7 things we did to make it all work. 

1 • Planning • Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Intentional planning brings great results. I planned for food, laundry, timing to get from event to event, help with the kids, travel, and rest. Planning truly is the foundation to a busy yet successful week.

2 • Food and Laundry • I learned a while ago that when things are chaotic, one should start with food and laundry. I made food easier for us. Lots of options that were ready to heat and eat. I want to say I did laundry once but we all had all the clothes we needed to thrive. If it all fails, invest in food and laundry. 

3 • Rest • I knew I had to sacrifice some rest. I tried to catch up during different times. I had to say no to a few things in order to properly rest each day. I learned that sleep-deprived Cintia is not productive or joyful. Rest is best. I understand sometimes it is difficult to get adequate rest. I also understand if I don't, my health suffers, my mind suffers and there goes the energy to have a quality week. 

4 • Exercise • While most people would let go of exercise during busy weeks, I make it work for me. I created a way to exercise, no matter how busy or inconvenient my schedule may be. I can honestly say I did this on purpose. I scheduled it during a time most people in my world won't dare to wake up. The ones who do are out there with me, sweating and getting perspective for the day ahead. You don't have to be a morning person to exercise. You do have to be someone who knows the benefits outweigh the sacrifices we make.

5 • Prayer • I make time to pray a little more during busy weeks. God is a very present help. He sees us and He cares for us. I need His help all the time but during busy weeks, my prayer time goes way up because I am aware that I depend on God. I'm not sure if you ever thought about praying during busy weeks. This past week I prayed during usual times for me. God is so good, He hears and He answers prayers.

6 • Friends • One day I found myself really overwhelmed by life's circumstances. I decided to go sit with a friend. Come to find out, that simple act put a bright spot in both of our difficult days. I wasn't going to do it but I'm glad I did. Counterintuitive? Yes. Effective? For sure yes. The warmth of friendship gives us the strength to keep going, no matter how busy or stressed we are. 

7 • Love • I know, who has time to love during a busy week? It should be all about me, right? Here is what love is: patient, kind, not jealous, not boastful, believes all things, is not proud, does not dishonor, it is not self-seeking, is it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. If I can spend a busy week with this record, life would be as God intended. Before you say "easier said than done," please remember this is God's definition of love as we read in 1 Cor. 13. How can we apply this to our lives? We can always pray that God will help us to be more loving during a busy week. I focused on my family, the closest people to me. Each day I invested in each family member to be sure they had what they needed. I made mistakes. I asked for forgiveness and tried again. There is no law against loving others, especially during a busy week.