Life happenings

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My life seems so much simpler this week. Being off work gives me so much more time to just be at home. My husband took my son while he ran some errands earlier this week, which gave me a lot of time to get my household chores done. We had a lot of fun yesterday. We went back to the public library and the Little Prince had a great time. Early learning is great. It also gives us a chance to interact with other families. I am always curious to know what older children do. LP will be around 16 months when LB is born.
LB is doing awesome. I'm sure she's enjoying all the walking we've been doing lately. Great weather brings so many more opportunities to be outside and we are all loving it! I'm 21 weeks and the time is not slowing down. It seems that during both my pregnancies we had some travel we had to do late in the trimesters. We'll see what happens.
Better than traveling, I am looking forward to tasty summer fruits, grilling outside, vegetable garden and of course, enjoying all of this with family. Having my baby girl at the end of the summer will be a treat.