Processing Change

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

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Change is a guarantee in life. It is up to us how we process it. There isn't a shortage of advice and sermons about change. My goal is to share what has helped me lately. I hope to encourage you to find the hope you need in your season of change. 

Change comes in many facets and faces. It may look like a phone call announcing a devastating diagnosis. It may be a positive pregnancy test. Change in marital status qualifies as a life-altering circumstance. If you or someone you know gets injured, be assured that changes are about to happen. 

Recently, I'm working through a career change and parenting challenging changes. I don't quite have 3 months in my new job. It has required a lot of change. Parenting my children and honoring aging parents who live abroad are also changes I'm processing. How am I making all of this work? 

Prayer. The first thing I choose to do every day is to get on my knees and pray. I learned that God is truly in control. He is Sovereign and loving. I pray because I need wisdom in the two areas I mentioned. I also need His insight in other areas of my life. 

Prayer helps me to have a dialogue with God. I praise. I repent. I make my requests. I always pray for wisdom. I get up knowing that God hears and answers me. I honestly feel lighter every time. Jesus gave me direct access to God. I often do not for others to pray for me. 

While I ask for prayers, I also became proactive about making sure God hears from me directly. Processing change through prayer has saved my sanity lately. It has given me unimaginable peace and unspeakable joy. I can't get these results from a rant online. 

Bible reading. The most influential book I will ever read is the Holy Bible. When everything in my life is changing, I find the words of the Bible to be an anchor to my soul. The simple decision to read it for 15 minutes per day helps me understand who God is. It also helps me see His faithfulness and reliance on paper. 

My heart rejoices and my brain gets the message that everything will be alright. The Bible gives me the eternal perspective that earthly fixes can't give me. For example, I love dark chocolate. The only thing that happens when I eat it is a momentary relief. If I keep eating it, it backfires. Any amount of organic Bible content I consume leads me to walk in freedom now and through eternity. 

Listening skills. Once I pray and read my Bible, I tune my ears to hear what God might be saying to me. He mainly speaks through His word and He never contradicts it, that's why I make sure I read and study it. I also find God to be faithful to speak to me through one of His children. 

One Sunday morning I went to church with a heavy heart due to so many changes. I proceeded to do what I do: speak to my lovely church friends. One older minister asked me how my family was doing. He said he and his wife were praying for us. He also knew my kids' names. I could tell he was being sincere. I shared in sincerity. 

He gave me some Godly affirmation and a word of advice I wasn't expecting but God sure was trying to give me. The 5-minute conversation was a big encouragement to my soul. If I was not listening for God's answers, I may have missed this one. I even tune my ears when I am reading a Christian book. 

This week, one small phrase about joy, confirmed something I heard from God. I am learning to pray, read the Bible, and expect that God will continue to speak to me. 

I'm not sure if you are navigating changes. One thing I know for sure is: change comes to everyone who has a pulse and that includes you. I also know that God is near. He wants to hear from you, so pray. He wants to speak with you, so read. He wants to keep speaking, so listen. 

A big hug to all my friends navigating difficult changes with dignity, hope and the drive not to give up. I pray that God will meet you where you are today. Things are going to get better. Here is a song to encourage you today.