The 3D XP
We had our first (and probably last for this baby) 3D ultrasound! First of all, let me remind you that when I first got pregnant the clinic charged $250 for it and now it's $150 in the Spring special, but we got it free in one of the community colleges. Ain't God good? The lady who was operating the equipment is due 4 days after me :) We got there a little ahead of time and apparently two other couples from our birthing class had gotten their 3Ds ahead of us (let me guess, we all heard about the freebie at the same time and called around the same time). At first he had his little hand in front of his face so we couldn't see it. They moved him but he wouldn't move until I moved to my right. We got several good shots of his little face. It was so exciting to see him that way! Apparently the deeper he is in the womb the lower the resolution of the 3D. Why do I know that? I was paying attention to what the teacher was telling the student :) When we got home we found out the CD they give you was not working, so we'll have to take a photo of the photo :) Zeke and I had an awesome experience and we're looking forward to seeing this beautiful baby I'm carrying! Apparently he's 3 pounds and 15 ounces now - that was exciting cause I had no idea of how heavy he is. Friday we go to the doctor for another visit. Keep us in your prayers!
2 de Janeiro de 2009: pre-festa de casamento de uma amiga
January 2, 2009: at a friend's bridesmaid's brunch
A experiencia do 3D
Nos tivemos o nosso primeiro ultrasom em 3D ontem. Provavelmente vai ser o ultimo pra esse bebe. A clinica onde vamos cobrava $250 dolares quando comecamos a nos tratar la, e agora com a promocao de primavera esta custando $150 dolares! Gracas a Deus encontramos um programa de universidade que faz de graca. A menina que fez o ultrasom esta pra ter o bebe dela 4 dias depois de mim :) Outra coisa interessante foi que dois casais que fizeram a aula de pre natal conosco estavam la antes de nos. Todo mundo deve ter ligado ao mesmo tempo. De primeiro a mao do nenem estava na frente do rosto dele. Eles mecheram com o nenem mas ele nao mudou de posicao ate que eu virei pro meu lado direito. Me parece que se o bebe estiver no fundo do ultero a foto nao fica tao clara. Quando chegamos em casa descobrimos que o CD que nos deram nao esta funcionando, entao vamos ter que tirar uma foto da foto :) O importante e que a experiencia foi nota 10, eu e o Zeke gostamos muito e estamos esperando com alegria pra ver esse bebe lindo face a face. O bebe esta pesando 3.15 libras (nao sei quantos quilos). Fiquei feliz com o peso dele, muito normal pra essa epoca. Sexta vamos no meu medico de verdade pra mais uma consulta. Continuem orando por nos!
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