Book Notes

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I'm reading Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer and I wanted to share with you today's mind inventory:

"Don't have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others. I have discovered over the years that what I expect from myself is what I expect from other people also... How we treat ourselves is often how we treat others." 
• I need to reassess my expectations of myself and others based in the foundation of the Word of God. Christian counseling will aid my search as well.

"Plan on forgiving frequently." 
• my husband would add "and quickly" to this statement. Even when my expectations are realistic, people are not perfect. Forgiveness is something that I freely give as a Christian because I want to freely receive as well.

"People will enjoy your company much more if you don't pressure them to be something they can't be. I like people who know me - and love me anyway."
• I hope that all people in my life don't feel pressure to be something they can't be. I pray that I can show in word and deed the love of the Father in all my relationships.

"See the strengths people have, celebrate differences." 
• I want to magnify the strength in each person and ignore their weaknesses. I want to aggressively encourage and compliment them as the book author suggests. This does not make me a doormat or a loser but it generates peace and Christ-like behavior. Only God can change people from the inside-out, it's up to me to pursue peace by giving acceptance to others.