How I stay Creative

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I love creating new things. I love writing, taking photos and creating social media strategies for my clients. I find that in order to stay creative, I need to consider several things.

Creativity comes from transformation - my best creativity comes after moments of transformation. Much like the butterfly process, there is incredible beauty that comes from transformation. Motherhood was one of these moments for me. Once I stepped out of what I call "the fog," I was able to see that I was changed into a new person with a new perspective in life and new stories of hope to tell. More recently I experienced transformation as I chose to forgive and believe that God's plan to forgive others is the way to life in freedom. I have risen with a greater hope and trust in God than before. Before this transformation comes, I choose to take a step back. 

Take a step back - If I want to create and nothing creative comes to me, I often take a step back. I find that creativity happens as I am out in the open living life and not in a closed room forcing the process. I go on with life as usual. I work, I take the kids to a picnic in the park, I listen to music. I find that creativity creeps back into my spirit after I feel myself with the fullness of real life. 

Go for a run - running is a gift that keeps on giving. Never have I  experienced such a source of inspiration. I get some of my best ideas while I'm pounding the pavement. In order for that to happen I need to give my brain some space. I have conditioned myself to run with or without music. I love running because I get to be in my own head. I pray, I talk to others and I think about different things. Creativity finds its way into my heart when I'm running and I love it. 

Put myself on a schedule - I'm a structured person and I find that if I put myself on a schedule, creativity comes. For example, I try to fit my writing a few days a week. I often have 45 minutes to sit down and write, then it's on to doing other things. During those 45 minutes I put all those floating ideas that came to me during a run to paper (well, Evernote). Those ideas are now being read by you, my wonderful reader. I also put myself on a schedule to write for other publications. I gather my ideas while stepping back then I write them down and edit them. 

Live a little my friend. Life is a great source of creativity. I believe that we are naturally creative like God who created us. I see Him in Genesis creating wonders, resting and always seeing that it was good.