I drove through torrential rains this morning and made it to the gym for my last training run for the Green 6.2 race. This 10K race introduced me to Texas running and it opened doors for my love of distance running. The Green 6.2 has a special place in my heart! This will be my 4th time running it.
Two years ago I tried to PR and I did! This year, I am running the with same mindset I had during my first run: I'm in it to enjoy everything about the race. Today the kids and I went to get our bibs.
It just dawned on me that people sometimes copy bibs from the internet and make fake ones and run with them! Then I thought, "if they're fast, maybe I can PR again." Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Any who, this excellent lady behind my kids is Lisa from Soundmindandspirit.com. Lisa and I tried to record a video at my house and my technology failed me so we recorded a Podcast about "Simplifying your Faith" during Christmas. You can hear it here. The reason why she's in the picture it's because she helped us with our Bibs. I love Lisa and I need to record another podcast or video or both with her.
Back to the race: the Green 6.2 is my first race since the Chevron Houston Marathon. I've been training still and the challenge to fit my runs with life has intensified. I'm also in the middle of the Fall marathon lottery season. I've been watching my friends eagerly wait for results and I've been tempted to put my name in the hat (not really) but I already signed up for a Fall race: the Rock'n'Roll San Jose Half-Marathon. I'm super excited to run it. A half marathon is a great distance for October because my goal race every year is Houston (I can't help it, I LOVE Houston!). I haven't quite decided my training approach for 2017 but I am okay with sticking with a half in the Fall and a full in January.
I know I can be honest with you. I've been under a lot of stress and it has affected my weight. The interesting thing is that I haven't stopped training. My mileage diminished and honestly my pace is the same as it was in January. I am taking small steps towards better nutrition and I am doing great on managing my stress.
I want to simply enjoy the Green 6.2 because I don't need any more pressure. Running is for pleasure and I am eager to get on that course and enjoy it.
I'll have a recap for you next week so please come back and read about it, okay?
Running is for persistence's sake. My friends often tell me "there's no quitting in marathon running." This resembles my journey in life. You just persist, you do the best you can and you enjoy the journey.
• 2015 recap
• 2014 recap
• 2013 recap
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