Lent lasts for a long time: 40 entire days without counting Sundays! I recently shared with you My non-traditional way of observing Lent and today I want to give you an update on the first 10 days.
• I decided to brake it down in 10 days increments and have 4 areas of prayer focus. Once 10 days go by I don't totally forget about the areas. I actually wrote down a Bible verse to encourage myself in that certain area. My point is, 40 days seems like a LONG time to do anything so eating the elephant in small pieces is more manageable. Remember that I believe that God is good all the time so I'm not twisting His arm to do anything for me. As a matter of fact, my main petition is that God will open my heart in those 4 areas so I can receive all the goodness He has for me.
• Fasting is not easy. It's been my goal for years to fast more often and if I don't make it a habit, I realize it can be so hard. I know it is supposed to be hard for part of it is humbling myself and turning my whole focus on God. Once the "fast fog" disappears, I am often glad I decided to engage in this spiritual discipline. I don't believe in being a secret agent for the Lord when fasting: I think we find much encouragement and we learn a lot from others when we share what we're doing. I don't believe in being a show off either so I always keep that balance in mind. I don't believe in secrecy in fasting because trust me, we can learn a lot from each other when we support one another as we seek to pursue God.
• God answers prayers even before we pray them. I know God's been faithful in these first 10 days and I've seen His faithfulness even before I cover all my areas of prayer focus. I'm telling you, God is so good and He doesn't need a holiday to be good, holy or gracious. That's a great piece of news to me!
• I'm more aware of areas I need repentance. I always knew that a fast would open your vision and this time I am experiencing this when it comes to my own character. I've been doing a bunch or repenting and I've been asking God that the people who know me best (my family) will enjoy the change God is bringing into my life.
Lent will be here for a couple of weeks and I pray that you will find time to connect with God in a deeper way. I know you will find that taking small steps, taking on the challenge of fasting and expecting great things from God will change your life. Lent is about preparing my whole being for more of God. It sure is worth the price!
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