My Favorite 0 Point Drinks

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

When I became a WW member, I knew I had to give up drinking sugary drinks. The genius of WW is that if you like a drink, you can drink it. You just have to make it work for you. Sugary drinks did not work for me. I read the research, I knew what it does to my body so I said goodby to them. 

Still, every now and then, I like to drink something that is not water. Here are a few zero-point (on Blue)N drinks I enjoy:

• Water - It is so good for me. I have to trick myself to drink water each day but it is worth the effort. I just drink plain water. Sometimes, I add electrolytes to it. I mostly try to drink most of my water intake for the day before 5 p.m. 

• Coffee - I love coffee and coffee likes me. I am teaching myself to drink coffee black, which truly would make it a 0-point drink. When I add anything to it, there goes the 0 status. 

• Hot Tea - I enjoy hot, herbal tea during the day or before I go to sleep. I keep 2 or 3 kinds of tea at hand during the day and peppermint tea if I want to drink at night. 

• Diet Snapple - I recently discovered that I really love diet Snapple. It is a treat. I don't buy it often. When I do buy it, I pair it with lunch.

Here are 5 more drinks