Summer Health Project Week 3

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Challenges appear each week. Some weeks are more stressful than others. There are times I am so busy, all I can do at the end of the day is to sleep heavily and start all over again the next day.

June is a festive month so we started the week celebrating Father's Day. We had a simple celebration at home. My husband and I had a salmon salad, the kids had fried chicken. It was good to sit down and honor Zeke for being a Godly, exemplary father. 

I tell you about my family's schedule because they are my priority. My goal is to serve God and my family well. My health helps me to do all that more efficiently.

I drove the kids back and forth from camp quite a bit. There was one day, I stopped at a new Starbucks in town and got coffee. It was refreshing, just the pick me up I needed to help me with my day. 

I reached my exercise goal for the week. I tracked everything I ate but I did not reach my goal of eating until I was lightly satisfied. I had homemade Indian food on Wednesday and I think that might have something to do with the results I got at my home scale. I weighed in at the exact same number as last week. I was happy about that but you know my official number comes from the WW Studio scale. 

I usually wear the same thing every Thursday, except last Thursday. My outfit was dirty and I didn't have time to do laundry so I wore a different dress. 

I went in to weigh in and I gained 0.2 lbs. I told my coach "I'll take it." I was okay, yet a little frustrated. I also know this journey is not about perfection. It is about doing your best each day as it comes. 

I know I can easily lose those 0.2 lbs if I stay focused. So far, I had two days I went out and I ate things I usually don't eat. I tracked them the best I could. 

I've been resting well, drinking water and exercising. 

The upcoming week is super busy at work. I packed several days of lunches, dinners, and snacks and I took it to work. I am prepared to eat well and to fuel the amount of hard work that needs to be done. 

I haven't given up on my goal. I can't give up. I am willing to offer self-compassion and understanding as I keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thanks for reading.

Here are the project stats*:

June 3 - 150. 2
June 10 - 147.6 
June 17 - 147.2
June 24 - 147.4

*I'm using the WW workshop weight instead of the one I see at home.