Gratitude Growth

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

I wondered if I should lead another online gratitude challenge. Things were different when I led my first "40 days of No Complaints Challenge." I was living in East Texas. There was thick snow on the ground. We were complaining about our luck. We had more than enough food, electricity, warm homes. We were safe while others were losing homes they just remodeled and others, their very lives. Our joint conviction led us to action. 

I can only speak for myself but when thanksgiving rolled around that November, I had extra reasons to be grateful.

This year, I am looking back and realizing I'm growing in gratitude. I'm not the same person who would complain about my blessings without conviction. I'm not the same person because the word of God changed me. 

I can see my growth not while I sit with my family to say thanks for feast and fortitude. I grow when I have the right and reasons to complain but I don't. The way I got there was on my knees. Praying to God, focusing on my need for His forgiveness led me here. Certainly, His strength is made perfect in my weakness. 

I have so many reasons to be grateful. I'm mostly thankful for gratitude growth. 

Have you thought about how grateful you are compared to last year? Are you growing or shrinking in gratitude?