I love questions. I believe they open the door to both learning and understanding. The other day, I was looking for inspiration for my health journey and I found a set of reflection questions Nick Surface from The Impossible Life Podcast uses monthly.
We have 10 weeks until the end of the year. I invite you to look at the last 4 weeks and ask yourself:
• What went well last month? •
I added more runs to my week;
I mastered eating out well (I had a tough time with this in the past year);
I rocked my back squats! I had a tough time a few months ago. Incremental changes and education with technique really helped me conquer this lift;
I ran a 5K at a good for me time;
My stomach felt like trash last month (thanks dairy). I got rid of dairy and I feel amazing;
I mastered 5 strict pull-ups which was one of my goals for the year.
• What could you have done better? •
I need better balance with my exercise and rest days;
I need to stop eating after dinner;
I can drink more water during the day;
• What's the biggest thing you'd improve? •
If I have to pick one, I'd like to improve my food measuring and weighing.
Let's look forward and answer:
• What would this month look like if it was perfect? • I will be very general and say it would be the month I'd reach a lot of my health and personal goals.
• What idea sounds too fun to be real in any area of your life? • A few of my travel ideas!
• What potential challenge do you foresee this upcoming month? • 9 dates we are busy with rehearsals and performances. I decided to prepare for them by cooking ahead and rearranging time to rest and recharge.
• What area do you want to improve on? • Nutrition
• What are you most looking forward to this month? • Honestly, seeing my hard work in all areas of life pay off. Incrementally yet surely.
How about you? What do you see when you look back? What would you like to see when you look forward?
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