A New Domain

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Domain: a field of action, thought, influence, etc. 

This is my 1,000th blog post in a new domain: www.simplycintia.com 
I am really excited about this! I thank God for all the years I've been blogging. My blog has changed 'skin' a lot of times just as I have changed my roles in life. 
From college student to grad student to career woman, to wife to mamãe. I wear so many hats I rather keep it simple, thus, Simply Cintia. 

As I look forward to my first blog conference with great anticipation, I know things are going to change here but just how much. 
I have many ideas brewing and I want to implement them as soon as possible. 
Without you dear reader, it would be weird to be a presence in this awesome blogsphere. Thanks for reading, for the sweet comments and for the support you always give me. 

I want to keep hearing from you. 1,000 posts later, what are your favorite things to read here at Simply Cintia? Please cast your vote in this right column if you will. 

Thanks again for reading simplycintia.com!
Lugreen said...

Oi Cinthia!
Voltei mas seu blog agora está em inglês..kkkkkk menina vou precisar de dicionario....e seu bebe já nasceu, andei sumida e estou curiosa para saber as novis.