Random Thoughts

Thursday, September 16, 2010


What is it about Motherhood that drives me to Chocolate?
Ak said...

If it's motherhood that drive you to chocolate- I'm in trouble! I already have chocolate issues and I don't have any children, yet! :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to following your journey!

Eve said...

MMMMmmmm.... Now I'm craving Nutella! ;)

Desiray said...

My dear love the chocolate but I know better...i have to say away from it.

Digital Mom said...

chocolate. soooo good, yet sooo bad.

Jillian Arleene said...

You're TOOOOOO cute!
I was JUST thinking the same thing!


You know you're a mom when you prepare the brownies, but there are none left to cook! LOL


Vivianne's Vista said...

I have a terrible chocolate addiction, and I must say- it's almost as good as sex BUT doesn't end up in having babies! I have to children who want to drive me insane, so yeah, I'll take chocolate anytime.

I saw you on SITS and wanted to stop by your lovely blog.