The next 10

Friday, January 22, 2021

What a tough week. Still, I was very grateful to reach my 30 lb weight loss goal. 

This was also the week I went back to in-person workshops. Being able to see my coach and my fellow WW friends did my heart good. They helped me celebrate my WW goal. 

When my coach asked me how I did it, I said, "I just told myself not to give up. I started in 2017 and I still have a while to go but I won't give up."

It was so good to see people. The virtual workshops were very helpful but having people close to you to encourage you means the world. 

Now that I told you about the results, let me tell you what it took. This last week, we had a holiday and a very special celebration: my 15-year wedding anniversary. My plan was to be prepared to make the best choices every day. My plan was to also rest enough each night so I could make good choices. 

My anniversary was dreamy. We went to a restaurant and we really enjoyed our time together. The food was so good. I tracked everything I ate. I ate until I was lightly satisfied. 

We grilled during the holiday. Again, I ate until I was lightly satisfied and I tracked my food. I have been focusing on tracking daily. 

I had to manage quite a bit of stress too. Thank God, I was able to manage it without resorting to food. I journaled quite a bit. I also prayed and asked God to help me. God really does hear us when we pray and seek guidance. Today, I feel much better than before, thanks to my good God. 

My family in Brazil suffered a big loss. One of my cousins passed away from COVID-19. Needless to say we are very sad. We are praying for comfort and strength. 

Losing a loved one is always very difficult. Somehow, I know that God is good and He has a plan.

Seeing that landmark weight loss and seeing my friends from WW was very encouraging. 

I actually thought about how I can encourage my friends to take charge of their health journeys and join WW. I've been extending an invitation on social to my friends so they can join us. I have a special code if you want to try it. It will give you a free month with WW. 

All I can say is that WW has allowed me to take control of my health permanently. I feel better. Even in tough seasons, I am grateful to God for health to live each day for Him and to care for my family.

I'm ready to conquer the next 10 pounds. Let's do it!


WW start weight: 175 lbs
First Goal: 150 lbs
Second Goal: 146 lbs
Third Goal: 136 lbs