
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Last week, my goal was to be prepared for this week. I built a menu and went to work! 

I bought more veggies and made vegetable soup. I often think that vegetable soup is a quick way to get nutrients in when I'm in a hurry. 

I prepped the kids' lunch boxes with fruit and a side ahead of time too. It is easier to add a sandwich of dinner leftovers that way. It also saves me on time. I am learning that if I want my family to eat well, I need to prepared to eat well so I can expect to eat well. 

I made a copycat Starbucks bistro box for snack. It was great. I added two boiled eggs, grapes, fat-free wheat thins and a fat-free laughing cow cheese. I actually had it for breakfast one morning. 

Another thing that really helped me was overnight oats. The kids and I ate oatmeal for breakfast this week. They 'like' theirs warm. I wanted to give overnight oats a fair try because I've heard about it for years and never really had it. I used oats, almond milk, chia seeds, splenda and frozen berries. Friends, it was simply delicious, filling and nutricious. I'm going to make it again for next week. Not having to cook breakfast saves me a lot of time in the morning. Having something to look forward to adds a little whimsy to my day. 

My week got really busy in the beginning. I will admit that I hit the pantry and starting snacking. I was aware of what I did so I tracked everything. My goal for the following week is to improve on that behavior. How so? I'm going to pause and redirect. 

My activity goals were good this week. I worked out 4 days. I also noticed that I am getting stronger. I am focusing on adding variety to aerobics while being firm with my resolution to get stronger. I am doing tough stuff like old school sit-ups. I told my husband that I noticed that I no longer have weakness in that area (thanks c-sections). My abs are finally stronger as they should be. This, and the fact that the awful muscle soreness phase is behind me, was super encouraging. 

A great thing happened at the end of the week: my husband joined WW in-person with me. We went to our first meeting together. It was dreamy. I can write and write about the benefits of having this type of support. I can also relate to the people who do it alone.

I'm looking forward to supporting him as he reaches his goals. 

The more I think about it, I realize that I am not seeking an easy way: I am seeking results. I have to do what it takes (prep-cook-track-exercise-rest) to get results. Easy is not an option so I will take the option that will deliver results. 

Thanks for joining me in this journey! I'm 8 pounds away from my goal. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength and wisdom. 


WW start weight: 175 lbs
First Goal: 150 lbs
Second Goal: 146 lbs
Third Goal: 136 lbs